Monday, December 7, 2009

Como se dice adios Comp! 12-7-09

(note for those that do not speak Spanish "entonces" means then Scott uses the word a lot)

So this week nature kindly reminded me of one truth. In the states we develop this false precept that there are two types of existences. Times we have diarrhea and times we do not. I had come to peace with the fact that I was going to have diarrhea for the next two years. I was over it. However at about 4 am Wednesday I was shown that there are degrees to diarrhea, and these degrees are epically different. So don´t take mild diarrhea for granted, cause facts are with diarrhea, it could always be seat lifting worse... always...

So on to my drama (as if seat lifting diarrhea wasn´t dramatic enough!!!) So once upon time a Gringo Elder lived with his compeanon de Peru. He caused his gringo epic pain with flute music, and constant music. Entonces this gringo now has very little knowledge of his area, his investigators personal needs, and a lot about the mission. Last night changes were announced. He goes, I stay. I went and locked my self in the bath room ( a common ritual when your living in hell) for like an hour. Turns out God has a lot lot lot more confidence in me than I have in my self. Starting Wednesday I am senior comp for a week in an area that I don´t know that well, However God sees fit to try his people. Here I go. Elder Osorio leaves miercoles (Wednesday) and I take over with a new comp. I am happy to have a new comp, but I need a miracle. I am going to have to remember how to get to places miles away I have only been to once, I need to know peoples personal needs who I don´t even know there names. I honestly want to write the president and ask him what the heck he is thinking!!! But he only speaks Spanish so that could prove difficult... basically right when I start doing okay God throws this next huge boulder in my way. But I know that he can help me do it as well. I´m terrified, but I know God wouldn´t purposely mess up the chances of all my investigators to receive the Gospel, so in some crazy way this is a part of his plan. So the impending stress of my new calling to lead my area perhaps has never made me feel more inadequate of a human being, but if God knows I can then I need to at least try. Try with everything I got. Goodbye to Peruvian flute music, hello to self paralyzing stress... Moral of this story? I need prayers. I need revelation and guidance like I never have had before. So as you can imagine I feel pretty alone and helpless. But hey gotta have faith right?

Praying always for you all, and wishing you the merriest of Christmas Seasons,
Elder Scott Wayne Morris

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